Do What You Can With What You Have Where You Are

Get here some inspirational quotes of Theodore Roosevelt like ” Do What You Can With What You Have Where You Are “. Today we have brought some amazing collection of Theodore’s quotes which are very motivating. Also, you can share it on your social accounts to make other motivated. So let’s read it..

Do What You Can With What You Have Where You Are
Do What You Can With What You Have Where You Are

Keep🤔 your eyes on👍 the stars⭐, and your feet ☝️on the ground🌍

Speak 🤔softly and ✊carry a big stick🏒 you will go far🔥🔥🔥


Order☝️ without liberty ❌and liberty without order 🙄are equally destructive.💯💯

Every ☝️reform movement ✊has a lunatic fringe.💯💯

With💯 self-discipline, ☝️almost anything is ✊possible.👍👍👍

All the 🤔resources we ☝️need are in the mind.✊

Do ☝️what you can👍, with what you🤔 have, 😌where you are.👍

When👍 you play, play 👊hard; when you work, ✊don’t play at all💯💯

Thrice 😇happy is the ☝️nation that has a glorious☝️ history💯💯

Whenever👍 you are ☝️asked if you 👍can do👍 a job, tell ’em,☝️ ‘Certainly I can!’ Then 🙄get busy and find 😇out how to do it.💯💯💯

I am☝️ a part of everything😇 that I have read.🔥🔥

Let us ✊rather run the👍 risk of wearing out 🤨than rusting out.😌😌

Never 😔throughout history😇 has a man who 👍lived a life of 😇ease left a name 👍worth remembering.😇😇

It is 😌hard to fail, but ☝️it is worse😌 never to❌ have tried to☝️ succeed💯💯

If you’ve ☝️got them by the☝️ balls, their hearts ❤️and minds will☝️ follow.💯💯

A vote👍 is like a rifle👊its usefulness☝️ depends 🤨upon the character of the user.👈👈

A 👍stream cannot❌ rise larger than its source.💯💯

Courtesy 👍is as much ☝️a mark of a👍 gentleman 🙏as courage.👊

Politeness 😇is a sign of ☝️dignity, not subservience.💯💯

In this🌍 country we have❌ no place for hyphenated Americans😌😌

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