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A busy life makes prayer🙏🙏 harder, but prayer 🙏 makes a🅰️🅰️ busy life easier.”
Unquestionably, to Allah Belongs whatever is in the heavens😇 and the earth 🌐.
Allah (God) does not burden a🅰️ soul beyond that 🇮🇹it🇮🇹 can 🐻bear🐻.”
“And whoever puts all his trust in Allah (God), then He will suffice him.
Indeed he does not like💟 the proud😤
The more➕ you let go, the 🆙higher🆙🆙 you rise💹.
My Lord forgive and have 🈶 mercy, for you are the 🉑best🉑 of those who show📺📺 mercy
And whoever turns away from My remembrance – indeed, he will have🈶 a 🅰️ depressed😢 life.
The are [varying] degrees🎓 in the sight🔦🔦 of Allah and Allah is seeing of whatever they do
Speak only when your words🔠 are ➕more➕➕ beautiful than the silence🔈.
“Be like 😻 a🅰️ diamond💍💍, precious and rare, not like😻 a🅰️ stone ◻️◻️, found🔎 everywhere.”
No matter how far you think 💭 you’ve traveled🚪 away,
Allah always waiting🚏 for your ↩️returning↩️.
And remember He is The All-Forgiving, The Loving
So verily with the hardship, there is a🅰️ relief, verily with the hardship, there is 🅰️a🅰️🅰️ relief
Dua (supplication) has🈶🈶 the 🔌power🔌 to turn your dreams into reality.
Once prayer🙏 becomes a🅰️🅰️ habit, success📈 becomes a🅰️ lifestyle.”
Someone, somewhere, ▶️right▶️ now is fighting for his or her life.
You still have🈶 yours, so🆘 be thankful and spend it🇮🇹 in the obedience of Allah.
So be patient. Indeed, the promise of ALLAH is truth
He is with you, where you may be; and Allah is seeing your deeds
Taking pains to remove❌ the pains of others is the true essence of generosity.” Abu Ba
And for those who 😨fear😨 Allah, he will make their path easy