41+ Most Glorious Rumi Quotes On Happiness

Rumi Quotes On Happiness – Rumi has been described as “the most popular poet” and “the best-selling poet” in the United States. In this article we are sharing some inspiring priceless thoughts of Rumi which will help you to know about your happiness, life, love, and success.

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Rumi Quotes On Happiness
  1. 🤔When you do 😁things from your😇 soul, you feel 😅a river moving in you, a joy.😁😁😁
  2. Where 🤔there is ruin, 🤨there is hope for a treasure 💰
  3. Knock🚪 And he’ll open☝️ the door.❤️❤️
  4. 🙄The very 😁center of your heart is❤️ where life begins👍 – the most beautiful place on earth.🌍🌍
  5. 😇Everything in the☝️ universe is within😇 you. Ask all👍 from yourself.😌😌
  6. The🤕 wound is the place 🤔where the Light enters you🔥🔥🔥
  7. “❤️Love is an emerald.❤️
    Its ☝️brilliant light 😇wards off dragons🔥On this 🙄treacherous path.☑️
  8. 🙄You are not ❌a drop in the ocean🌊. You are☝️ the entire🌊 ocean, in a drop💯💯💯
  9. 😁If light is in your ❤️heart, you will find your☝️ way home.🏠
  10. Why🤔 are you so 😌enchanted by this world, 🌍when a mine 😌of gold lies within you😁😁
Rumi Quotes On Happiness

Rumi Quotes On Happiness

  1. 🤔If you are irritated 🤨by every rub,🤔 how will 🤨you be polished🤨🤨
  2. 🤕These pains you❤️ feel are messengers.🙄 Listen to them.💯💯💯
  3. 😇Inside you there’s☝️ an artist you😇 don’t know🤔 about.💯💯
  4. 🤨Wherever 🤔you are, and 🤔whatever you do,😇 be in love.❤️❤️
  5. 👉Remember, the entrance 🚪door to the🙄 sanctuary is inside you.😇😇😇
  6. ❤️You’ve seen my☝️ descent. Now watch 😌my rising.🔥🔥🔥
  7. 😇Live life as if 🙄everything is rigged😅 in your favor💯💯💯
  8. 🤨Ignore those🤔 that make you😱 fearful and 😔sad.💯💯💯
  9. ✋Open your hands🙄 if you want to be held😇😇😇
  10. ❌Don’t grieve. 🤔Anything you lose😔 comes🤔 round in another form.💯💯

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