1 to 50 Numbers Names In Hindi : हमारी वेबसाइट में आपका स्वागत है, जो आपको 1 से 50 तक की संख्याओं की हिंदी में उनके नामों के साथ व्यापक सूची प्रदान करने के लिए समर्पित है। हिंदी अंकों की सुंदरता की खोज करें क्योंकि हम आपको संख्यात्मक शब्दों का एक सुविधाजनक और संक्षिप्त संग्रह प्रस्तुत करते हैं जो हिंदी भाषा की आपकी समझ को समृद्ध करेगा। चाहे आप भाषा के प्रति उत्साही हों, एक छात्र हों, या केवल हिंदी में संख्याओं के बारे में उत्सुक हों, हमारी वेबसाइट आपके लिए संसाधन है। हमारे उपयोगकर्ता के अनुकूल और सूचनात्मक प्लेटफॉर्म के माध्यम से हिंदी की संख्यात्मक दुनिया का अन्वेषण करें, जहां आप प्रत्येक संख्या के नाम उनके संबंधित हिंदी अनुवादों के साथ पा सकते हैं। हमारे साथ हिंदी अंकों के सार को अनलॉक करें और एक आकर्षक भाषाई यात्रा पर जाएं।
1 से 50 तक गिनती हिंदी में 1 to 50 Numbers Names In Hindi
Number | Hindi |
1 | एक |
2 | दो |
3 | तीन |
4 | चार |
5 | पांच |
6 | छः |
7 | सात |
8 | आठ |
9 | नौ |
10 | दस |
11 | ग्यारह |
12 | बारह |
13 | तेरह |
14 | चौदह |
15 | पंद्रह |
16 | सोलह |
17 | सत्रह |
18 | अठारह |
19 | उन्नीस |
20 | बीस |
21 | इक्कीस |
22 | बाईस |
23 | तेईस |
24 | चौबीस |
25 | पच्चीस |
26 | छब्बीस |
27 | सत्ताईस |
28 | अट्ठाईस |
29 | उनतीस |
30 | तीस |
31 | इकतीस |
32 | बत्तीस |
33 | तैंतीस |
34 | चौंतीस |
35 | पैंतीस |
36 | छत्तीस |
37 | सैंतीस |
38 | अड़तीस |
39 | उनतालीस |
40 | चालीस |
41 | इकतालीस |
42 | बयालीस |
43 | तैंतालीस |
44 | चौंतालीस |
45 | पैंतालीस |
46 | छियालीस |
47 | सैंतालीस |
48 | अड़तालीस |
49 | उनचास |
50 | पचास |
1 से 50 तक गिनती हिंदी में 1 to 50 Numbers Names In Hindi
1 – एक (Ek): The number one represents a single unit or a quantity of one.
2 – दो (Do): The number two signifies a pair or a quantity of two.
3 – तीन (Teen): The number three indicates a count of three items or individuals.
4 – चार (Char): The number four represents a count of four objects.
5 – पांच (Panch): The number five denotes a count of five items.
6 – छः (Chhah): The number six signifies a count of six objects.
7 – सात (Saath): The number seven represents a count of seven items.
8 – आठ (Aath): The number eight denotes a count of eight objects.
9 – नौ (Nau): The number nine signifies a count of nine items.
10 – दस (Das): The number ten represents a count of ten objects.
11 – ग्यारह (Gyaarah): The number eleven is composed of “gyaarah” which means eleven in Hindi.
12 – बारह (Barah): The number twelve is called “barah” in Hindi.
13 – तेरह (Terah): The number thirteen is known as “terah” in Hindi.
14 – चौदह (Chaudah): The number fourteen is called “chaudah” in Hindi.
15 – पंद्रह (Pandrah): The number fifteen is known as “pandrah” in Hindi.
16 – सोलह (Solah): The number sixteen is called “solah” in Hindi.
17 – सत्रह (Satrah): The number seventeen is known as “satrah” in Hindi.
18 – अठारह (Atharah): The number eighteen is called “atharah” in Hindi.
19 – उन्नीस (Unnees): The number nineteen is known as “unnees” in Hindi.
20 – बीस (Bees): The number twenty is called “bees” in Hindi.
21 – इक्कीस (Ikkees): The number twenty-one is known as “ikkees” in Hindi.
22 – बाईस (Baais): The number twenty-two is called “baais” in Hindi.
23 – तेईस (Teis): The number twenty-three is known as “teis” in Hindi.
24 – चौबीस (Chaubis): The number twenty-four is called “chaubis” in Hindi.
25 – पच्चीस (Pachchees): The number twenty-five is known as “pachchees” in Hindi.
26 – छब्बीस (Chhabbis): The number twenty-six is called “chhabbis” in Hindi.
27 – सत्ताईस (Sattaais): The number twenty-seven is known as “sattaais” in Hindi.
28 – अट्ठाईस (Athaais): The number twenty-eight is called “athaais” in Hindi.
29 – उनतीस (Untees): The number twenty-nine is known as “untees” in Hindi.
30 – तीस (Tees): The number thirty is called “tees” in Hindi.
31 – इकतीस (Iktees): The number thirty-one is known as “iktees” in Hindi.
32 – बत्तीस (Battis): The number thirty-two is called “battis” in Hindi.
33 – तैंतीस (Taintees): The number thirty-three is known as “taintees” in Hindi.
34 – चौंतीस (Chautis): The number thirty-four is called “chautis” in Hindi.
35 – पैंतीस (Paintis): The number thirty-five is known as “paintis” in Hindi.
36 – छत्तीस (Chhattis): The number thirty-six is called “chhattis” in Hindi.
37 – सैंतीस (Saintees): The number thirty-seven is known as “saintees” in Hindi.
38 – अड़तीस (Adtees): The number thirty-eight is called “adtees” in Hindi.
39 – उनतालीस (Untaalis): The number thirty-nine is known as “untaalis” in Hindi.
40 – चालीस (Chalis): The number forty is called “chalis” in Hindi.
41 – इकतालीस (Ikatālis): The number forty-one is known as “ikatālis” in Hindi.
42 – बयालीस (Bayālis): The number forty-two is called “bayālis” in Hindi.
43 – तैंतालीस (Taintālis): The number forty-three is known as “taintālis” in Hindi.
44 – चौंतालीस (Chautālis): The number forty-four is called “chautālis” in Hindi.
45 – पैंतालीस (Paintālis): The number forty-five is known as “paintālis” in Hindi.
46 – छियालीस (Chhiyālis): The number forty-six is called “chhiyālis” in Hindi.
47 – सैंतालीस (Saitālis): The number forty-seven is known as “saitālis” in Hindi.
48 – अड़तालीस (Adtālis): The number forty-eight is called “adtālis” in Hindi.
49 – उनचास (Unachās): The number forty-nine is known as “unachās” in Hindi.
50 – पचास (Pachās): The number fifty is called “pachās” in Hindi.
1 से 50 तक गिनती हिंदी में 1 to 50 Numbers Names In Hindi
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